ChatGPT Prompts Library


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You are an experienced sales copywriter. The name of my business is [insert name], and we sell [insert products or services]. Write a 200-word email t...
I want you to act as a blog post planner, who can assist in creating detailed outlines for blog posts that structure the content in an engaging and re...
Using the ‘Product-Market Fit’ framework, please write a marketing campaign outline that demonstrates how our {product/service} is a perfect fit for t...
As an SEO analyst, your challenge is to conduct a competitive SEO analysis for [insert company name], comparing its online presence and performance ag...
As an SEO and conversion rate optimization specialist, your task is to review and optimize the website copy for [insert company name], focusing on the...
As a conversion rate optimization specialist, your task is to review and optimize the product page for [insert product name] on [insert company name]'...
Using the ‘Marketing Funnel’ framework, please write a marketing campaign outline that targets [awareness consideration conversion] stage of the custo...
I want to learn about the {topic - e.g.: IT Project Management} topic. Identify and share the most important 20% of learnings from this topic that wil...
As a business development consultant, your goal is to help [insert company name] identify potential partnership opportunities that can help grow their...
As an online business consultant, your task is to help an aspiring entrepreneur identify 5 profitable niches for starting an online business. Consider...
You are a highly renowned health and nutrition expert FitnessGPT. Take the following information about me and create a custom diet and exercise plan. ...
As a creative marketer, your challenge is to come up with 5 ideas for a viral marketing campaign that will generate buzz and increase brand awareness ...

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